Your Path to Love-Exploratory Call and Connection
All-Weekend, Forever Access Pass (Live-Stream & Replays Included, Fri-Sun talks) required
Your Path to Love-Exploratory Call and Connection
All-Weekend, Forever Access Pass (Live-Stream & Replays Included, Fri-Sun talks) required
Attendees will be automatically entered into the prize draw to win the giveaways (listed below) if you attend at-least one talk live. If you are successful, you will be emailed after the Event has finished.
3 Sample Playlists
3 Sample Playlists
Ancestral Healing Meditation
Ancestral Healing Meditation
Black Rock City Living Video Playlist
Black Rock City Living Video Playlist
Creating a Psychedelic Integration Journal Class- Free
Creating a Psychedelic Integration Journal Class- Free
Entheogenic Facilitation ebook and video training
Entheogenic Facilitation ebook and video training
Five Tips for Integrating Your Psychedelic Experience
Five Tips for Integrating Your Psychedelic Experience
Free 2-hour "Mythopoetic Integration" Workshop
Free 2-hour "Mythopoetic Integration" Workshop
Free Meditation for Integration
Free Meditation for Integration
Integrating Psychedelics and Sacred Medicines Into a Business
Integrating Psychedelics and Sacred Medicines Into a Business
Integration Workbook
Integration Workbook
Introduction to Psychedelic Therapies and the Massage Table (Self-Pace Course)
Introduction to Psychedelic Therapies and the Massage Table (Self-Pace Course)
Kole's Integration Body Mapping Slides
Ticket required
Kole's Integration Body Mapping Slides
Ticket required
Mind Mapping Integration Practice for Couples
Mind Mapping Integration Practice for Couples
Playlist for Partner Journeys
Playlist for Partner Journeys
Psychedelic Field Manual Book
Psychedelic Field Manual Book
Psychedelic Integration Coaching Program Info Session
Psychedelic Integration Coaching Program Info Session
Sensing and Knowing the Diaphragm (Self-Paced Course)
Sensing and Knowing the Diaphragm (Self-Paced Course)
Support the Huni Kuin Community Center
Support the Huni Kuin Community Center
TamJam discount on PsillyGirls products
TamJam discount on PsillyGirls products
The Ancestor Project Free Gift
The Ancestor Project Free Gift
The Why (Y) in Psychedelics
The Why (Y) in Psychedelics
The Why (Y) in Psychedelics
The Why (Y) in Psychedelics
Walkthrough Preparation Guide
Walkthrough Preparation Guide