Sâmia Biruany

Healer and Leader, Huni Kuin Samia Biruany Huni Kuin: female healer and leader of plant medicine and traditional wisdom.

About this speaker

Sâmia Biruany is a female healer hailing from the Huni Kuin village of Pinuyá, situated in Acre, Amazon. She is renowned for her expertise in Amazonian medicines, traditional chants, and women's healing. Sâmia is also a co-leader of Mawa Isa Keneya, a female cultural group that plays a crucial role in promoting and preserving Huni Kuin's cultural heritage.

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How to Live in Sacred Reciprocity with Wisdom Keepers

28 April 2023, 09:00 PM
Aluna Lua Sâmia Biruany