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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Kole Whitty

Kole Whitty

Founder, Condor Method

Soma Williams

Soma Williams

Founder, Heart2Hara

Simon Yugler

Simon Yugler

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Leadership Archetypes & Psychedelic Facilitation

29 April 2023, 10:00 AM
Simon Yugler

A Dialogue on Meditation and Integration

29 April 2023, 10:00 AM
Elena Brower

The Earth as Integration Companion

29 April 2023, 02:30 PM
Lindsay Branham

Surviving the Psychedelic City: Trippin' at Burning Man with Chrysantilus

29 April 2023, 03:45 PM
Emily Eaglin

Myco-musings on Different Mushroom Species

29 April 2023, 05:00 PM
Ian Bollinger Sam Gandy

Healing the Healer: Self Care for Psychedelic Practitioners

29 April 2023, 06:15 PM
Tobey Tobey Greg Lawrence John Robertson

The Art of Psychedelic Satire

29 April 2023, 07:30 PM
Matt Ruby Dennis Walker

Shadows and Pitfalls on the Integration Journey

29 April 2023, 09:00 PM
Phoenix MacGregor Elizabeth J.O. Otto Maier

Microdosing: Finding Your Balance, Finding Your Flow

29 April 2023, 10:15 PM
Soma Phoenix Robin Alexandra (she/her) Kristin Taylor Tracey Tee

Somatic Abolition: Embodied Liberation for Black and Brown Bodies

30 April 2023, 03:45 PM
Soma Williams

Integrating Your Essence: Golden Shadow and the Transformation of Self

30 April 2023, 05:00 PM
Ido Cohen

What Do Death, Bodies and Psychedelics Have in Common?

30 April 2023, 06:15 PM
Caroline Lee Lauren Taus

Unlocking and Interpreting Symbols of the Subconscious

30 April 2023, 07:30 PM
Alex Carelli Anthony West

Integration Body Mapping

30 April 2023, 09:00 PM
Kole Whitty

Psychedelic Service: Realities, Advice, and Avoiding Pitfalls When Growing Your Psychedelic Business

30 April 2023, 10:15 PM
Beth Weinstein

Closing Circle and Live Music

30 April 2023, 11:30 PM
Daniel Shankin Robin Alexandra (she/her) Jazz LeiAmora