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All-Weekend, Forever Access Pass (Live-Stream & Replays Included, Fri-Sun talks)

  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • All content available for days listed above

Access to three days of talks, streaming live and watching replays (available the following week). Friday through Sunday content included.

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FREE Access for FRIDAY Programming

  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • Access 7 hand-picked talks

Free Live-Stream Access to FRIDAY Talks ONLY - The Rest of the Weekend Requires a Different Ticket

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Living a Life Ceremony Post Conference Intensive

  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • Access 1 hand-picked talk

This intensive is not included in any other ticket.

Monday, May 1st. Noon Eastern Time. This is a daylong workshop and will run 4 hours.

Join Dre for an intensive workshop focused on living a life ceremony.

Living a life ceremony involves incorporating the three aspects of ceremony into our daily lives. These three aspects are intention, attention, and attitude. By consciously focusing on these three aspects, we can create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Intention: The first aspect of ceremony is intention. It is important to set an intention for what we want to achieve or experience in our lives. This could be a specific goal or simply a general desire to live a happy and fulfilling life. By setting an intention, we are putting our focus and energy towards a specific outcome. To incorporate intention into our daily lives, we can start each day by setting an intention for what we want to achieve or experience. This could be as simple as intending to have a positive and productive day.

Attention: The second aspect of ceremony is attention. This involves being fully present and engaged in the moment. It is important to pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. By being present in the moment, we can fully experience and appreciate the beauty and wonder of life. To incorporate attention into our daily lives, we can practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a moment to pause and focus on our surroundings.

Attitude: The third aspect of ceremony is attitude. This involves having a positive and grateful attitude towards life. It is important to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the blessings and opportunities in our lives. By having a positive attitude, we can approach challenges with resilience and optimism. To incorporate attitude into our daily lives, we can practice gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal or simply taking a moment each day to reflect on the things we are thankful for.

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Coaching For Integration Post Conference Intensive

  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • Access 1 hand-picked talk

This intensive is not included in any other ticket.

Monday, May 1st. Noon Eastern Time. This is a daylong workshop and will run between 4 and 5 hours.

In this day long intensive, we'll look at some foundational coaching techniques that will inform the way you show up for your clients.

You'll leave with simple, foundational tools that will allow you to feel more confident and actually be more useful in your coaching practice.

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Tell Your Psychedelic Story

  • Live Broadcasts and Replays

  • Access 1 hand-picked talk

This intensive is not included in any other ticket.

Monday, May 1st. Noon Eastern Time. This is a daylong workshop and will run between 4 and 5 hours.

How a Well Told Psychedelic Story can Change the World

At a time when most of humanity is struggling to wrap their brains around just exactly what psychedelics do and how they can help us, your well told story about the ineffable might just make a world of impact.

 The power of a well told story can move mountains, but the art of storytelling is a craft unto itself. This three hour course is designed to help you distill your experiences into a succinct and compelling 5-10 minute long story that will translate the powerful wisdom you have learned into something future clients, investors, and even skeptics can appreciate and learn from.

Taught by Mareesa Stertz (

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