John Robertson Greg Lawrence Tobey Tobey

Healing the Healer: Self Care for Psychedelic Practitioners

A Talk by Greg Lawrence , John Robertson and Tobey Tobey

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About this Talk

This panel will address the importance of self-care and burnout prevention for coaches, guides, and other practitioners who work with psychedelics.

These experts will offer valuable, practical tips that will keep you operating at optimal efficiency so that you can be in service with your highest intention in mind at all times.

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Creating a Psychedelic Integration Journal Class- Free

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Five Tips for Integrating Your Psychedelic Experience

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Walkthrough Preparation Guide

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The Why (Y) in Psychedelics

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29 April 2023, 06:15 PM

06:15 PM - 07:15 PM

About The Speakers

Greg Lawrence

Greg Lawrence

Integration and Transformational Coach

John Robertson

John Robertson

Founder, Maps of the Mind

Tobey Tobey

Tobey Tobey

Founder, Altered States Integration